I'm ready for my new family!

I'm Available

Meet Tu-Tone. This handsome boy is usually the social boy of the party. He can often be seen greeting visitors and begging for some love and attention.  When he’s not happily snuggling with people, he’s usually taking a deep cat nap  This cat can sleep through anything  he is considering applying for the 2028 Olympics in the competitive sleeping event. Tu-Tone loves the company of other cats.

Tu-tone is FIV positive.  FIV is a non-fatal immune compromising disease.  Tu-Tone shows no active signs of FIV.  We recommend discussing FIV with you veterinarian. FIV is only transmittable through intercourse and hard bite wounds.  Once, neutered, the chance of passing FIV onto another cat is minimal. 

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Male
  • 6 Years OldMy DoB is 03/23/2019 (Estimated)
  • Tabby (Brown / Chocolate) & White
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
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