Blockhead came to the Sanctuary late in life. He was not neutered until he was a senior. Prowling the streets fighting for food, mates and territory caused Lockheed to develop high levels of testosterone causing his neck and head area to develop large chunky shields. This gave him the appearance of a very large square head. Hence the name Blockhead. As is common with unneutered outdoor males, Blockhead is FIV positive meaning he has a slightly compromised immune system but is otherwise very healthy. Blockhead has now been neutered and fully vetted. His large shields have deflated somewhat since his neuter causing his large blockhead to finally shrink down a bit. Blockhead wants all of your cuddles. He finds any lap presented (even if you are just kneeling down) to place himself. Blockhead is the ultimate lap cat. He is very patient and will allow you play, dance or even play dress up with you.just as long as he is receiving love and cuddles. Blockhead has has surgery on both of his eyelids to repair his eyelids from rubbing against his eye. He feels much better and now has some handsome sleepy eyes. Apply to snuggle this purrfect senior today.