I'm ready for my new family!

I'm Available

Thornapple is a very loving boy.  He will be your constant companion.  Thornapple is a very social boy and does best when he can cuddle with other cats. Thorn doesn't mind sharing your lap and affection with someone else.  Thornapple is also a very vocal.  Thornapple has a history of urinary crystals, a condition that can be fatal if left untreated. Due to his history he should stay on a urinary food diet only. His condition is well controlled while he is on the food, but his litter box habits should be monitored closely to make sure he does not suffer another blockage. He may require additional visits due to this condition.

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Male
  • 6 Years OldMy DoB is 03/14/2018 (Estimated)
  • Black & White / Tuxedo
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
Special Needs (Medical)
Medical Condition
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