Woods is a cautious Tortie. Trapped in a barn with her whole family (mom, dad, and 3 siblings) when she was around 6 weeks old. It took her 12-18 months before she trusted people enough to be touched. Woods wouldn’t even straighten her ears around people for at least 6 months. She was watching everything the entire time.
Woods is prone to allergies and often has the sniffles as the seasons change. This forced her to spend more time around our medical team than she originally had liked. She soon realized that the humans were not only feeding her daily wet food treats, but we’re also pretty nice.
This extended to her trusting all people. She now approaches people seeking out attention. She still prefers calmer people and will run if you come towards her with too much energy. She does not like being picked up, but she does love being pet. With time and patience, Woods will make an excellent companion.